Wednesday, July 25, 2012

JULY 2012

                                 JULY 2012 Outlook!  
 see what is in store for you this month . . . . . . .    

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     You may feel that something wonderful is about to happen since Jupiter, now in Gemini and in your quiet 12th house, graces your dreams with positive images and delightful stories. Mapping a specific path forward is a must as plans you make now will improve your life and your standing in your world over the next few years.  Uranus in Aries helps you find inspiration as you look forward to the future.  Enjoy that feeling of anticipation and use it to work toward the future.
     On July 3, the action planet Mars, will enter Libra where it will remain until August 23. Mars represents energy, courage and aggression.  Libra is associated with all kinds of relationships, whether emotional or professional.The location of Mars in your specific chart pinpoints the area of life where you are most likely to assert your needs.  As Mars travels through your chart, it prods you to take the initiative, address issues and turn desires into actions. You can create the kind of life you want by working on one area at a time.  To increase your chances for success, time your moves to take place when Mars supports your efforts.  During this time, people close to you may be difficult or have desires that are different from yours.  To avoid problems, you’ll have to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of your associates, especially when you are doing things that can affect them.
     Uranus turns retrograde in Pisces on July 13, continuing that direction until mid-November.  Use this time to think over, and make adjustments to, bold plans that you have been working on.  Mercury turns retrograde on July 14th until August 6th.  If you plan to travel during this time, confirm and double-check reservations.  As with all Mercury Retrograde periods, be sure to double check plans, allow for more time to reach your destinations and be extra precise in all communications.  Pluto and Neptune are also continuing their retrograde motion this month so take the time to think, rethink and re-do and don’t let frustration overwhelm you when things don’t get done as usual.
     The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 urges you to get serious about your ambitions.  If you don’t have any specific goals, you are likely to drift along without achieving anything worthwhile.  A New Moon occurs when the Moon and the Sun are in the same sign at the same degree.  It is a time of concentrated energies and new beginnings. This month the New Moon occurs in the sign of Cancer on July 18 at 11:24am.

     To find out how this month’s planetary activity affects you personally, e-mail Toni at or call 770-587-1910 to schedule a reading or order a report.  :-)

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